Messaging Applicants with Team Engine

Due to the ease of sending text messages and the universal annoyance of spam calls, many people don't answer their phones anymore, making calling applicants ineffective. Texting on the other hand is ubiquitous and powerful. In fact, almost every text is read three seconds after being delivered. For most job seekers, corresponding over email is expected, and candidates are happy to check their inbox. By combining text with email, Team Engine provides a comprehensive method for communication.


The All-In-One communication platform lets you easily call, text, and email all in the same place. Every conversation, either on the phone or computer, will be visible in Team Engine.

Messages Tab Layout

Messages are split up into two different categories: Unread and Read messages.

  • Unread: All texts and emails that are waiting for a response from you.
  • All messages: All messages you have either responded to or clicked the "Mark as Read" button.

Keeping up on unread messages and initial outreach will keep applicants engaged and help you get people in the door.

In the messages tab, you'll see a layout similar to that on your phone. However, instead of just a "send" button, you can choose what medium to send your note through - email or text. If by text, the message will come from a local number unique to that job. For email, the sender will be you or whichever user sent the message.

Just like you have seen on your phone, outgoing messages appear on the right-hand side of the screen, while incoming messages from applicants are on the left. In Team Engine, color indicates what type of message you are looking at. A light pink/red message is sent by Team Engine automatically, while individual messages from an employer are blue. Any messages from a candidate will be gray. 

Best Practices: Email vs. Text

Texting is a great way to reach candidates wherever they are. Team Engine texts applicants by default if they've opted-in to receive texts during the application process. If not, they will be emailed. Texting is a great way to reach candidates quickly because they are immediately visible to the recipient and allow for quick back-and-forth conversations when needed.

Previously, if an employer started a conversation over text that evolved into an email chain, there would be no way to see a full overview of the conversation. With our All-In-One platform, both text messages and emails will appear in the messages tab. Everyone on your team will be able to view and respond to any conversation, giving you extra capacity and avoiding confusion. 

Similarly, all you need to do to switch from text to email is hit the button at the bottom of the screen, giving you a simple method to choose the way you wish to communicate with applicants.

Adding saved messages

Additionally, based on the stage the applicant is in, you'll see a pre-written set of messages below that you can quickly choose to start with by clicking the "Use" button. 

Each and every message can be customized to fit the job you are hiring for. If you have specific questions you ask consistently, you can add them as a saved message to reduce the time you spend responding to candidates.

Sending and Receiving Files

If you would like to add an image or a document to messages to employees, or to an announcement, you simply have to click the "Upload File" button on the top of the message editor box.  You can also receive files from applicants which can be viewed directly within the message thread or within the Documents tab of their applicant profile.

Note: The file size limit is 25 MB

What types of files can be received via text message from applicants?

More image file types — such as GIFs, SVGs, and WEBPs — will now render in Team Engine, based on browser support. This means you can see the actual image, and not just an icon representing the image for download.

How might this be useful?

  • Faster completion of paperwork: No more wasting days waiting for new hires to remember to provide their finalizing hire documents, when they can text or email photos and PDFs from home.
  • Supporting culture & building rapport: When someone replies to your text with a reaction GIF, you’ll now be able to see it and reply accordingly. (note: outbound text messages from Team Engine do not support sending of GIFs)

Responding to Messages in Your Email

You can adjust your settings to receive email notifications for incoming emails and texts from candidates within the "Hiring Process" tab. With the incoming message notifications, you can respond to them and the candidate will get your response, no matter if you are responding to a text or email. 

Please note that responding to email notifications about new applicants being shared or employee survey responses will send your response to our Support team, not the person referenced in the email. Please respond to the applicants/employees directly within Team Engine.

Messaging Best Practices

There are a few, simple rules you can follow to improve your messages and raise the response rate.

  • Personalize your messages: It doesn't have to be a lot, but introducing yourself and using the applicant's name will go far.
  • Get the applicant on your side: Be clever, engaging, and brief. Only provide information that really matters.
  • Respond quickly when you can: The faster you can get someone through the process, the more likely you will be successful in hiring.
  • Figure out what the purpose of the message is: Do you need them to answer a question or do something for you? End on a call to action.

What Now?

Messaging is valuable because it allows employers to reach out to applicants in new ways that significantly improve response time. Texting applicants has already proven itself to be incredibly efficient at getting responses from candidates. Now that you know the ins and outs of messaging with Team Engine, start engaging with applicants so you can start filling roles.

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