Using Variables to Personalize Messages

When Team Engine sends out automatic messages, it uses variables to make every message feel personal. Variables are used to auto-populate information into a body of text that is relevant to both the sender and receiver. If an employer wanted to save messages to use with a lot of applicants, variables give each one a level of personalization.

Uses and Types of Variables

Overall, variables are intended to allow messages to contain specific information for both the sender and recipient of the message, without having to edit each individual message. Team Engine currently separates variables into three separate categories: Applicant info, User info, and Job info. Applicant info is information specific to the applicant, such as their first and last name, or their interview date and time. Similarly, the User info is tied to the user that is signed in and sending messages in Team Engine. In the final category, Job info involves specifics of the job, such as job title or the address of the job's office.

The list of available variables is separated into each respective category below.

Applicant Info

Applicant's first name {{{applicant.firstName}}}
Applicant's last name {{{applicant.lastName}}}
Applicant's email {{{}}}
Applicant's scheduled phone interview/interview time {{{applicant.interviewDateTime}}}
Link to the start of the applicant's application {{{applicant.applicationStartLink}}}
Link to the work history section of the applicant's application


Link to the experience section of the applicant's application


Applicant's start date {{{applicant.startDate}}}

User Info

User's first name


User's last name


User's full name {{{user.fullName}}}

Job Info

Job title {{{job.title}}}
Name of the company {{{job.companyName}}}
Link to the website of the company {{{job.companyWebsite}}}
Salary for the position (find under job details) {{{job.compensation}}}
Link to apply for the position {{{job.applyLink}}}
Location for the job (find under job details) {{{job.location}}}
Address for the office (find under job details) {{{job.officeAddress}}}

Employee Info

Employee's first name {{{employee.firstName}}} 
Employee's nickname {{{employee.casualName}}}
Employee's last name {{{employee.lastName}}}
A referral link the employee can forward to potential applicants {{{employee.referralLink}}}
Employee's job title {{{employee.jobTitle}}}
The company the employee works for {{{employee.companyName}}}

How to Use Variables

Since variables act as conditional text, the user needs to indicate to the software that they are using a variable. The way to do that is to make sure that the variable is closed within three brace brackets like this {{{variable}}}. Additionally, the variable will only appear exactly as it is written down, so if you want to add a prefix such as Mr. or Ms., you must put that in front of the brackets, not inside them. If I wanted to send "Thank you for coming in for the interview, Mr. Jackson." the saved message would be "Thank you for coming in for the interview, Mr. {{{applicant.lastName}}}.". 

More Variables to Come

If you have any ideas for content you would like to add as a variable, please let us know by sending an email to

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