Introduction to Team Engine's Automations

Automated Application Screening

We know it can be frustrating when there is a high volume of applicants for a job, but only a few who meet the qualifications for the position. Working through hundreds of resumes to find a few solid job seekers can waste days of time and effort, which is why Team Engine offers an auto-screening feature that allows you to review applicants quickly and with confidence.

Screening can be based on hard details like work experience, and/or softer ones, like whether or not a candidate is responsive. There are two separate ways to add applicant requirements: During the initial job creation process and under the "Hiring Process" within an existing job.

Adding The Requirement To An Existing Job

To add in requirements to an existing job, just click on the the three dots on the right-side of the job you wish to edit, then click edit:

Navigate to the Experience, Licenses, and Apllicant Filters tab to edit that specific job's requirements:

The Licenses and Experience sections are valuable for jobs that require prior training or time on the job. For example, if you need a driver that has a CDL B license, you can add that specification here. When it comes to experience, it's important to really decide what that looks like for a specific job. If it is too vague, like below, you may not get to the heart of the matter. Below, we don't know if they have experience as a delivery driver for Amazon and have experience with logistics, or if they delivered pizza and know more about dealing with customers.

Under Applicant Filters, all the green filters are positive aspects of a candidate you may like to see in a new hire, while everything marked as red represents a more negative aspect that you may want to avoid.

Here are some definitions of a few helpful filters: 

  • Responsive: The responsiveness filter is the way that Team Engine saves employers from spending unnecessary time chasing down applicants that aren't going to respond. If the Responsive filter is selected, any applicant that doesn't respond to the interest confirmation text (sent to them one hour after they apply) will be put in the Auto-Screened section/labeled with the "Not Responsive" tab.
  • Hard Commute: When someone applies for a job through Team Engine, they input their address. As a result, you will be able to see how far of a commute they will have. Occasionally, a long commute can negatively impact employee retention and the likelihood that an applicant will take the job or show up for an interview. If this proves to be a problem, you can screen out applicants that live further away.
  • Job Hopper: Dependable, long-lasting employees provide the most benefit for an employer. With the job hopper filter, no applicant that ends up in your review panel will have changed jobs too many times in the past few years. An applicant is labeled a job hopper if:
    • 1. Their most recent job isn’t longer than a year OR
    • 2. Their average job tenure in the last 3 years is less than a year OR
    • 3. They haven't had any education that would explain the above

Once you have confirmed that you have all the Experience, Licenses, and Applicant Filter for a role, Team Engine will take over. Based on what you have marked as important, Team Engine screens out completely unqualified candidates and ranks all the rest within the Needs Review section.

Team Engine will reach out to applicants to find out whether or not they fulfill all of the job requirements. Before you even complete an initial review of a candidate, you will know if a candidate is responsive, has all the necessary licenses and experience, and why they want to come work for you.

Custom Messages from Team Engine

Team Engine will automatically analyze applications and ask follow-up questions to help identify the best applicants (or remove those who aren't good fits). Overall, the custom message from Team Engine changes what it asks based on what the job requires and how a candidate compares to it. For example, the software would only ask about compensation if the candidate has an expected salary outside the range set for the job.

To view or turn on this message from Team Engine, click on the "Automations" tab, under Applications Process, scroll to Applicantion Is Completed see the "Personalized by Team Engine" option. Then click the bubble next to it and ensure that the toggle is green. After that, applicants will start to get automatic, customized messages to fill in the blanks.

Note: Interest Confirmation messages are skipped being scheduled / sent for various reasons:

  • Applicant already has responsive label
  • Applicant is moved out of APPLIED status before the message is sent
  • The application is complete (has work history OR has a resume)
  • The applicant is marked as a highly qualified candidate by other criteria

Automated Messages

Team Engine can also trigger automatic messages as you move people through the hiring process. Automating the bulk of the hiring process keeps you from having to complete repetitive tasks while still being able to gather information, schedule interviews, and easily communicate with applicants:

  • Automate outreach when you mark someone as interested in the review tab
  • Automate sending interview reminders/confirmations
  • Automatically re-engage with promising applicants

For example, the first couple steps of the hiring process could go as follows:

  1. You mark someone as interested and Team Engine can automatically reach out to them to find a time for an interview.
  2. Once the candidate responds, you can easily click the "schedule interview," enter the date and time, and add the even to your external/personal calendar if you wish. Team Engine can also send out automated interview reminders to the candidate to help reduce the chance of them no-showing, while also giving them an easy way to request a reschedule.
  3. Once an interview has been confirmed, it will be marked as such on the In Progress tab and will also show on the Team Engine calendar so you can see all upcoming events that your team has.
  4. If someone is marked as interested but didn't respond to the automated message about the interview, they will get follow-up messages 24 and 48 hours later to keep you on the candidate's mind. 

Time Zones

These messages are only sent between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm, based on the time zone of the associated job (if no time zone is found for the job, we default to using Central time.) There are a few exceptions to keep in mind: 

  • Interview reminders will always be sent out 2 and 24 hours before an interview to ensure we aren't sending reminders after an interview has taken place. 
  • Application receipt confirmation messages will be sent immediately after an application is submitted.

Timezones can also be edited or customized depending on your preference. To do this, go to the desired automation and click edit automation from the 3 dots on the right:

Click on Show additional settings:

Then change the timezone to your preferred one:

Editing Automated Messages

If any of the automated messages within the Automations tab don't quite fit your company's culture or language, you can change them by clicking on the edit button in the bottom right corner of the message. As a best practice, we recommend keeping the message short and direct. Additionally, you can personalize it so that the candidate doesn't feel like they're talking to a robot. Using your first name and introducing yourself or your company can make applicants know that you are excited about their application. Be like one of our customers in Hawaii, start with an Aloha, or just a friendly hello!

You may edit the message as default for all jobs, or specific only to a given job.

In cases where you would like to create a custom message for only a specific job,

To see which jobs uses the custom message, click on this button.

You can turn the customized message on and off per job, using the toggle button:

Automated Referrals

People tend to be associated with other individuals that share the same skill set. Using your employees' personal networks to find qualified applicants is a successful method to find new hires. Team Engine offers employers the option to utilize their employees' personal networks with the use of an automatic referral system. With automated referrals, you no longer need to remember to bring up the program with employees every month or worry about tracking and administering a referral program. To learn more about how to set this up, read about Employee Referrals

With all of this in mind, it's time for you to see how automation can save you time to focus on the perfect candidates. Now that you don't have to review hundreds of unqualified applicants or call dozens of people to screen them and set up interviews, it's time to improve the overall hiring process. You can read our ultimate hiring guide here.

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