Anonymous Surveys

The benefits of gathering anonymous feedback from employees can be significant, so we have created Anonymous Surveys. You start by going to the Survey tab and clicking the "Create Survey" button.

This will bring up all of the choices for Surveys including anonymous ones. Make sure to pick your employee group and all you have to do is check the "receive anonymous responses" box. This makes the survey not record employee names or numbers.* This message will be attached to the bottom of the survey question - "The following is an anonymous survey question. Neither your name nor number will be included with your response." This way, the employees receiving the survey will know as well. 

From there you can write a question for the survey and send it to your employees.

When your responses come in, they will have all the information excluding employee names and numbers. You also lose the ability to manually add a response.

*Survey responses remain anonymous, i.e. name and number are not shared, at all times except in cases of a direct threat of bodily harm.

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